Anjuman Shari Shiyan holds memorial gathering in honor of Iranian martyrs

Srinagar, May 24 (KNS): In memory of the martyrs of the Iranian nation, Anjuman Shari Shiyan organized a grand memorial gathering which took place at the central Imambara in Budgam, where a large number of believers participated who offered condolences to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Imam Khamenei and the people of Iran.

The event began with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by elegies and laments recited by orators affiliated with the organization. During the Friday sermon, Hujjat-ul-Islam wal Muslimeen Agha Syed Hassan al-Mousavi al-Safavi, president of Anjuman Shari Shiyan, highlighted the valuable services and sacrifices of the Iranian martyrs. He emphasized that the martyrdom of Ayatollah Syed Ibrahim Raisi brought to light his previously unrecognized services. Even his detractors were moved to tears, astonished by his tireless dedication.

He expressed gratitude to the believers, noting that the processions, gatherings, and Quranic sessions held in the Kashmir Valley since the martyrdom are evidence of their shared grief with the Iranian nation and its leader during this time of sorrow.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelFollowing the Friday prayers, Agha Sahib led a grand rally from the Budgam Imambara to the bus station, with huge number of devotees participating and expressing their emotions against America and Israel.

Speaking at he occasion, Agha Syed Hassan remarked that these martyrs are not confined to any particular nation; their martyrdom creates a void in the entire Islamic world. Concurrent gatherings were held at other locations affiliated with the organization, where Friday prayer leaders informed attendees about the successes and achievements of the martyrs of service.

According to party statement such type of gatherings continued at the old Imambara Hasanabad, Imambara Yagi Pora Magam, Astana Aliya Mir Shamsuddin Iraqi Chadoora, Imambara Chhatergam, Jamia Masjid Nowgam, Imambara Gamdoo Iskandar Pora, and other locations. (KNS) 

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