Chugh lacks political understanding, knowledge about J&K: Sadhotra

Jammu, June 14 (KNS): National Conference Additional General Secretary and Former Minister Ajay Kumar Sadhotra today described the BJP National General Secretary Tarun Chugh as a political bankrupt, lacking decency and understanding about Jammu and Kashmir.

Reacting to Chugh's tirade against National Conference President and former Chief Minister, asking if the reactionary BJP's Jammu and Kashmir incharge considers Dr Farooq Abdullah as PRO of Pakistan what is his and his party's take on former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, who used to say 'friends can be changed but not the neighbours'. Similarly how would Chugh rate Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi's unscheduled visit to Lahore to meet Nawaz Sharif and his family at a social event, he asked.

'Perhaps Chugh has forgotten how Modi conducted himself at Pakistan Prime Minister's event ", he said, elaborating that nobody asked questions to Narendra Modi. As of today, he informed Chugh, Prime Minister Modi during his talks with the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, on sidelines of G7 Summit in Italy, has asserted that India believes in a human-centric approach and believes that the way to peace is through dialogue and diplomacy, Sadhotra added.

He said by attacking NC leadership, Chugh is perhaps placating his leadership, which must by now have understood about dismal failure on ground zero.

Sadhotra said since Chugh has been chartered by his party to J&K, where it has no base, he should do some homework on politics, history and geography of this part of the country.

True, he is fond of hogging the headlines but this should not bring ridicule to him. Had he known even a little bit of Jammu and Kashmir, he would have remained responsible what he says, he added.

Sadhotra asked the BJP in general and Chugh in particular to shun NC phobia and instead have some introspection on the humiliating losses it suffered during the just concluded Lok Sabha elections.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

He also cautioned against defaming political leadership of Jammu and Kashmir, which has withstood test of times and surmounted challenges during most difficult times with courage and fortitude in the larger interest of the people of the region and the country. Sacrifice of over 3000 NC workers during the difficult times post 1990 is reminder for the self styled leaders like Chugh, who are hell bent on discrediting the contribution of this mass based party due to their myopic politics, he added.

"National Conference is the only cadre-based political party with its huge presence visible from Lakhanpur in Jammu to Turtuk in Ladakh and from Tangdhar in Kashmir to Padder in the Jammu region", Sadhotra said, adding that the party under the leadership of Dr Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah has weathered all the political storms in different manifestation from time to time.

He said the former chief ministers are credited with chequered political career spanning decades with unblemished record of public service, strengthening of communal harmony, working towards peace and steering J&K to development and progress.

"The nation understands and acknowledges the contribution and relevance of Dr Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah in the J&K polity and the esteem they enjoy in the hearts of their people", Sadhotra said and counselled the BJP leaders to shun their myopic political vision and hate for the NC leadership.

He said rejection by the people has taken toll of the BJP leaders, some of who have lost the sense of proportion due to frustration and dejections.(KNS) 

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