Constitutional Democracy in India a Great Leveller: Senior Advocate Bhan

 Delhi, June 23 (KNS):  Speaking at a seminar organised by the Asia Pacific Lawyers Association and Jurists International, noted Supreme Court Senior Advocate and distinguished fellow at the United Services Institute (USI), Bhan, emphasized the power of constitutional democracy in India.

He described it as a globally recognized instrument and process that serves as a great leveller, capable of challenging even the highest and mightiest of political parties, reads a statement issued to KNS.

Bhan highlighted the recently concluded general elections in India, where more than 640 million people participated in a marathon seven-week process, hailed as a "world record" by election authorities. Nearly half of the voters were women. The elections saw the opposition stage a remarkable comeback, which has chastened the often described invincible Modi-Shah duo. The voters virtually reprimanded the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) by reducing it to 240 seats.

Bhan pointed out that many world leaders struggle to secure a third term, and Modi is no exception.

The BJP remains India's largest party by seats, but Modi secured his third term with the help of his allies. The principal opposition Congress Party has tauntingly described him as a "one-third Premier of India., he said.

He added the significant loss of over 50 seats for Modi’s party, which dims the allure of a third term, especially given Modi's campaign targeting 400 coalition seat.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

"This shortfall has led to jubilation in the Congress camp and some despair within BJP quarters. Despite the BJP emerging as the single largest party, the burden of hype and expectations has left many of their supporters disheartened," he said.

According to Bhan, Modi's supporters believe that securing a third term can be attributed to factors such as a record of stable governance, the appeal of continuity, efficient welfare programs, and the perception that he has enhanced India's global image.
"However, the BJP’s actions, including revoking the constitutional special status of the Indian part of Kashmir, reducing the State of Jammu & Kashmir to two Union territories, building the Ram temple in Ayodhya, and implementing a controversial citizenship law, along with tightening regulations on interfaith marriages in many BJP-ruled states, have cost the party a reduction in their tally of seats," he said.

Bhan also said that regardless of the election results, "THE PEOPLE'S DEMOCRACY has triumphed and come to stay in India as a legitimate means to reinforce inclusive societal ethos, protect Indian secular polity, and to check and balance the high-handedness of the power managers."

He ended his address with a heartfelt "Salute to the people of India."

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