DGP J&K Pays Respects at Mata Kheer Bhawani, Prays for Peace

Srinagar, June 14 (KNS): Director General of Police, J&K, Shri R.R. Swain, visited the Mata Kheer Bhawani shrine on the occasion of the annual mela. He prayed for peace, brotherhood, and harmony in Jammu and Kashmir.

Joined by IGP Kashmir V.K. Birdi and DIG CKR Rajiv Omprakash Pande, the DGP offered prayers for the well-being and prosperity of the people, the families of martyrs, and the police and security forces.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Interacting with devotees at the mela, the DGP assured them of the unwavering support of J&K Police. He emphasized that the Mata Kheer Bhawani Mela symbolizes J&K's rich cultural heritage and communal harmony, highlighting the region's history of peaceful coexistence among diverse communities.(KNS) 

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