Drug Control Officer Conducts Inspections in Baramulla

Nadeem Khawaja

Baramulla, June 12 (KNS): As part of the ongoing effort to ensure complete installation of CCTV cameras and a computer billing system, Drug Control Officer Baramulla HQ, Gowhar Mushtaq Bhat, under the personal supervision of Assistant Drugs Controller Baramulla/Kupwara, Dr. Zaffer Ahmad Bhat, conducted thorough inspections of 22 retail sale establishments in Sheeri, Nowshera, and Boniyar of District Baramulla on June 12, 2024.

During the inspections, two notices were issued, and the operation of one firm was disallowed for a period of three days due to various violations.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelAdditionally, the pharmacy located inside PHC Boniyar was inspected to ensure compliance with the norms and was found satisfactory.

The trade fraternity in the inspected areas was instructed to strictly follow the guidelines of the Drug Regulatory Department. Compliance with these instructions was emphasized and ensured during the inspections.(KNS) 

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