Hakeem Yaseen greets kashmiri pandits on the eve of Mela Kheer Bhawani

Says kashmir incomplete without kashmiri pandits

Says kashmir incomplete without kashmiri pandits

Srinagar, June 13 (KNS): Chairman People's Democratic Front (PDF ) and former Minister Hakeem Yaseen has greeted people especially Kashmiri pandit on the auspicious occasion of Mela Kheer Bhawani.

In his felicitation message Hakeem Yaseen while greeting pandit brethren on Mela Kheer Bhavani, has prayed that the auspicious occasion may prove harbinger of peace and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir. He said celebration of the auspicious annual Mela Kheer Bhawani reinvigorates and strengthens the bonds of communal harmony and brotherhood , the hallmark of Kashmir's composite culture and ethos.

He said it was heartening and a moment of proud to see Muslims shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiri pandit brethren in mela kheer Bhawani celebrations.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe hoped that the people of Jammu and Kashmir would continue to keep the flag of communal harmony and brotherhood always high to defeat nefarious designs of hatemongers.

Describing exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990 as the darkest chapter of Kashmiri history, PDF Chairman said that Kashmiri pandit community was inseparable part of Kashmir's composite culture adding that peace loving people of Jammu and Kashmir were eagerly waiting for their honourable return to their homes and hearths.(KNS)

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