Health department ensures adequate health care arrangements for devotees at Tulmulla

Srinagar, June 15: On the directions of Secretary Health and Medical Education Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah,
Director Health Services, Kashmir (DHSK) Dr Mushtaq A Rather today toured Tulmulla, Ganderbal to review health care services being provided to the devotees on the occasion of Mela Kheer Bhawani.

During the visit he inspected all the camp sections that have been installed for providing better health care services for the devotees, a statement issued to KNS reads.

While interacting with the media he expressed that there are adequate health care facilities established and emphasised that OPD is being run 24x7 on a roster based schedule including specialists also, statement added.

"Apart from OPD, IPD ward has been established and round the clock critical care ambulance has been kept stationed," statement reads.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

"All the nearby PHCs are functioning on 24x7 mode for providing better health care facilities to the devotees in case any need arises," it added.

He also interacted with the devotees and assured them the department has ensured all possible health care services be available in a hassle free mode round the clock till the conclusion of the mela, statement also said.

DHSK while appreciating the health care workers and district health care administration stressed for continuing it with utmost zeal and dedication, it further reads. (KNS). 

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