International Day Against Drug Abuse: Rallies Held in Karnah

 Peerzada Saeed

Karnah(KNS): In the northern town of Karnah, the administration organized an awareness program, oath-taking ceremony, and debates on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse. The program was presided over by the SDM Karnah, Zaffar Ahmed with a large number of children and teachers from various schools, along with the Zonal Education Officer of Tangdhar Chamkot and the SHO Karnah in attendance.

School children from both blocks carried placards with anti-drug slogans. Speakers advocated for a continuous campaign to eradicate the menace of drug use, which has taken a dangerous dimension in society. They provided valuable information about the scourge of drugs, emphasizing the health, safety, and societal threats it poses, particularly to the youth.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe need for collective action against drug abuse was highlighted.

During conversation with Kashmir News Service(KNS), SDM Karnah, Zaffar Ahmed lone emphasized that drug abuse not only destroys individuals but also escalates crime within the community. He urged everyone to strengthen their resolve to fight against this widespread curse and not merely observe the day symbolically. Instead, he called for decisive and well-planned action to control illegal smuggling and drug use before it’s too late. A rally was also held from Degree College to Chinar Park Tangdar.(KNS)

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