JKJCCPS hails Dir School Education for better results of Govt Schools

Srinagar, Dec 31 (KNS): Jammu and Kashmir Joint Coordination Committee of Private Schools (JKJCCPS) congratulated Dir School Education Dr. GN Itoo on the success of the government run school students who passed the examinations.
JKJCCPS President Showkat Chowdhary said, "We would like to appreciate your efforts in improving the quality of the education in the government run schools, which is reflected from the improvement in the pass percentage of the students."
"We believe government run schools both in rural and urban areas can do wonders under your dynamic leadership and need of the hour is to stress on quality education and develop our young generation into bright students.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel"
JKJCCPS said they would also like to thank support of the Dir Education to the private schools, which are striving very hard to provide the quality education to the students.
"Our support will always be with your endeavors in helping the students develop their careers.
We hope in next years to come students at government schools show better results and make students proud.
We once again congratulate you for the success of your efforts." (KNS) 

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