Jamia Babul Ilem Public School Tops District Budgam with 31 Distinctions in 10th Class Results

Budgam, June 14 (KNS): Jamia Babul Ilem Public School has achieved outstanding success in the 10th class examinations, securing the first position in District Budgam. Haddes-in-Nisa, a student from the school, topped the district by scoring 492 marks. Additionally, the school achieved 31 distinctions in the 10th class results.

As per the statement issued here, Jammu and Kashmir Anjuman-E-Sharie Shian President Aga Hassan congratulated the students, stating, “Your hard work, perseverance, and self-confidence have truly paid off. Best of luck to all of you as you embark on this new chapter of your lives.” He also praised the teachers of Jamia Babul Ilem Public School for their monumental role in the success of the students.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

It is noteworthy that Anjuman Sharie’s run schools, including Babul Ilem Secondary School and the Babul Ilem College of Oriental Learning (affiliated with JKBOSE and the University of Kashmir), have been imparting education to thousands of students since 1958. These institutions have played a vital role in eradicating illiteracy in the society.

The success of Jamia Babul Ilem Public School in the 10th class examinations highlights the school's dedication to academic excellence and its significant contribution to education in the region.(KNS) 

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