Medicare Hospital Performs World's First Unique Surgery for Female Inguinal Hernia

Srinagar, June 28 (KNS): In a groundbreaking medical achievement, the Department of General and Minimal Access Surgery at Medicare Hospital, Srinagar, successfully performed a highly rare and complex surgery on an elderly female patient suffering from an irreducible inguinal hernia.

As per the statement issued here, this case is unique as it involved three indirect sacs in a single hernia, a first of its kind in the world, adding a significant accomplishment to the credentials of Kashmiri doctors.

Female inguinal hernias are uncommon and typically involve a single indirect sac. However, this extraordinary case presented with three separate sacs, each containing different contents, which required individual closure during the procedure.

The surgery was performed by Dr. Imtiaz Wani, with assistance from Dr. Nuwalid Nissar and anesthetist Dr. Ovaise Malik. The surgical team also included OT Technicians Mr.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelShabir, Mr. Adil, and Mr. Naseer.

Dr. Imtiaz Wani and Dr. Nuwalid Nissar explained the complexity and rarity of this surgery. They noted that while inguinal hernia repair is a common surgical procedure with a low risk of major complications, this particular case was challenging due to the patient's multiple comorbidities and the irreducibility of the hernia.

"This surgery was not only rare but also highly challenging due to its complexity and the patient's various health issues. It is a significant achievement for the medical community in Jammu and Kashmir," Dr. Wani said.

The patient expressed immense gratitude and praised the doctors at Medicare Hospital for their exceptional skills and care. The surgery was performed free of charge under the Ayushman Bharat Golden Card Scheme, as confirmed by the hospital's Managing Director, Syed Sajjad Shah.(KNS)


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