Security agencies, administration in JK, collaborate closely to ensure smooth Yatra

 Ishtiyaq Kar

Srinagar, June 26 (KNS): In a unified effort to ensure the safety and comfort of devotees participating in the Amarnath Ji Yatra, a coalition of stakeholders, including the Administration, Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB), Police, other security forces, and relevant departments are working closely together to bolster security and manage the pilgrimage efficiently.

The annual journey to the sacred shrine is scheduled to begin on June 29 and will conclude on August 19.
According to the Srinagar-based news gathering agency KNS, unprecedented security measures have been put in place for the Amarnath Yatra.

These measures include the installation of CCTVs, deployment of snipers, use of drone systems, and the presence of bomb disposal squads, dog squads, and counter-IED equipment. Alongside these advanced technologies, a substantial manpower presence has been ensured to enhance security further.

"To safeguard the 3,880-meter-high cave shrine in the Himalayas of south Kashmir, the security apparatus has instituted a multi-tier security system, deploying Special Forces along the dual routes of the Amarnath Yatra," stated a senior security official.

"We are ensuring comprehensive arrangements to facilitate the seamless progress of the Amarnath Yatra. Our top priority is implementing robust security measures to ensure the safety of pilgrims en route to Amarnath."

Sources familiar with the security arrangements confirmed the deployment of high-powered bulletproof vehicles at critical sites.

“These vehicles, accompanied by security personnel, have been assigned the crucial roles of detecting explosives and maintaining a secure environment for pilgrims”.

Furthermore, the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) personnel will be stationed to undertake rescue and relief operations as necessary.

The Amarnath Shrine Board will oversee the daily allocation of pilgrims. Additionally, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has devised a strong security blueprint to protect pilgrims traveling along the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway (NH-44).

During his recent visit to the Amarnath Ji Yatra base camp at Baltal, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha conducted a thorough review of the preparations for the sacred pilgrimage.

He issued directives to senior officers from the Administration, SASB, Police, security forces, and other relevant departments to collaborate closely. The aim is to ensure seamless services and to guarantee all necessary amenities for the devotees.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Key provisions being assured encompass accommodation, food, connectivity, transportation, power and water supply, sanitation, RFID counters, healthcare facilities, availability of fire tenders, medicines, oxygen, parking facilities, telecommunications, helicopter services, security and Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) initiatives.

Recently, Home Minister Amit Shah chaired a high-security meeting in Jammu and Kashmir, instructing security forces to implement a robust anti-terror strategy.

In parallel, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir Zone, V.K. Birdi, convened a meeting in Srinagar to evaluate the arrangements for the Yatra. The session was attended by senior police officers, SSPs from all districts of Kashmir Zone, and other key security officials.

During the meeting, the IGP received a detailed briefing through a PowerPoint presentation on the security plan, emphasizing coordinated efforts to manage potential operational, natural, and man-made challenges.
In a separate review session, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Law & Order, Vijay Kumar, stressed the importance of equipping Mountain Rescue Teams (MRTs) with waterproof clothing and ensuring they are adequately trained and fit for effective rescue operations. He underscored the significance of rehearsing maneuvers thoroughly to respond efficiently during disaster scenarios.

Simultaneously, a trial run of the Amarnath Yatra was conducted at Yatri Niwas Bhagwati Nagar in Jammu, involving mock drills and simulations of pilgrim movements to assess the preparedness of security measures.

The Amarnath Yatra, which occurs annually amid tight security and vigilance, follows twin tracks – the traditional 48-km-long Nunwan-Pahalgam route in Anantnag district and the shorter, steeper 14-km-long Baltal route in Ganderbal district.

The Amarnath Yatra attracts lakhs of pilgrims every year during the 'Shravani Mela' in July-August (Shravan month in the Hindu calendar), the only time the Amarnath Cave is accessible due to its geographical conditions.

Located 141 km from the capital Srinagar at an altitude of 12,756 feet above sea level, the holy cave of Amarnath lies in the Ladar Valley, which is covered by glaciers and snow-capped mountains for most of the year.

The government of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has expressed full confidence in the capabilities of the police and security forces to guarantee a secure pilgrimage. (KNS)

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