Tangdhar Festival Celebrates Karnah's Culture: Two-Day Event Showcases Music, Dance, and Local Delicacies.

Peerzada Sayeed

Kupwara, June 11 (KNS): The vibrant colors and rich heritage of Karnah came to life during the two-day Tangdhar Cultural Festival held near Government Degree College, Kandi. Organized by the Indian Army in collaboration with civil administration, the event aimed to showcase the cultural diversity of the region.

Inaugurated by the GOC of the 28 Infantry Division, the festival kicked off with a mesmerizing Gatka dance performance, captivating the audience. Local artists enthralled spectators with music, poetry, and folk songs, reflecting the essence of Pahari and Gujri cultures.
GoC 28 Infantry Division Grish Kalia while addressing the Kashmir News Service (KNS) stated that "The culture of Karnah is very unique in itself and the distinctiveness of the cultural diversity among different communities of Karnah Valley deserves an appreciation. Indian Army is the army of people and army is always there for the people of the Karnah valley"

Stalls adorned with local cuisines, clothing, and artifacts provided visitors with a glimpse into Karnah's unique offerings.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelRenowned red rice and rajma, alongside other agricultural products, were showcased, attracting food enthusiasts.

Children participated enthusiastically in various competitions, showcasing their talents in dance, skits, and painting. The event also hosted a community-led Pahari lunch, promoting local cuisines, and featured medical check-up camps and awareness stalls on horticulture.

A cultural rally themed 'Unity in Diversity' brought together people of all ages, adorned in traditional Karnah attire, emphasizing the region's cultural richness. The festival concluded with prize distribution, acknowledging the efforts of organizers and celebrating Karnah's diverse heritage in grand style.(KNS) 

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