Tourists flock to cool kashmir amid Nationwide heatwave, 'boosting local tourism sector

Ishtiyaq Kar

Srinagar, June 13 (KNS): As temperatures soar across the country, tourists are flocking to Kashmir in droves, seeking respite in the region's cool climate and breathtaking scenery. This influx of visitors has significantly increased footfall at popular destinations such as the gardens of Srinagar, Dal Lake, and other picturesque spots, revitalizing the local tourism sector.

News agency KNS reported that the famed Mughal gardens, including Shalimar Bagh, Nishat Bagh, and Chashme Shahi, are bustling with visitors eager to experience their lush landscapes and floral displays.

Dal Lake, a perennial favorite, is teeming with tourists enjoying shikara rides, houseboat stays, and the serene views of the surrounding mountains.

According to local tourism officials, the increase in tourist numbers is providing a much-needed boost to the region's economy. "The rise in footfall is not just a testament to Kashmir's enduring appeal but also a critical driver for local livelihoods. From hoteliers and houseboat owners to artisans and guides, everyone is seeing a positive impact," said a tourism official.

One houseboat owner on Dal Lake Shabir Ahmad, expressed his relief and joy over the surge in visitors. "The last few years have been tough due to the pandemic and other disruptions.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelSeeing so many tourists now is a blessing. It means more business and stability for our families," he told KNS.

Local artisans and shopkeepers are also witnessing a rise in sales as tourists indulge in purchasing traditional Kashmiri handicrafts, pashmina shawls, and saffron.

The vibrant markets are alive with activity, reflecting a burgeoning trade.

Tour operators and travel agencies have noted a marked increase in bookings for adventure activities like trekking, paragliding, and river rafting. "Kashmir offers a unique blend of natural beauty and adventure, and with the current heatwave, it's an ideal escape. We've seen a surge in interest from all over the country," noted Umar Farooq, a local travel agent.

The government and local authorities are capitalizing on this trend by ensuring that the tourist infrastructure is well-maintained and safe. Enhanced security measures and tourist-friendly initiatives are being rolled out to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for visitors.

As the rest of the country grapples with soaring temperatures, Kashmir remains a cool, inviting haven for countless tourists, reaffirming its status as a premier holiday destination.(KNS) 

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