Defence secretary Dr Ajay Kumar visit NCC Bn in Leh

Srinagar, Oct 01 (KNS): The defence secretary, Dr Ajay Kumar on Friday visited the NCC Battalion at Leh in the Union territory of Ladakh.

In statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), a spokesperson said that the defence Secretry was briefed by Lt Col Siddharth Singh, Commanding Officer about various activities being carried out by NCC Cadets and the challenges being faced by NCC in Ladakh region.

“Dr Ajay Kumar was also briefed about the Border Area Expansion plan of NCC announced by Prime Minister on Independence Day,” it reads.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

It reads that thereafter the Defence Secretary interacted with NCC Cadets and Associated NCC Officers (ANOs) of 1 Ladakh Bn NCC. 

“The Defence Secretary lauded the performance of NCC Cadets towards Nation Building and motivated them to do their best in every endeavour,” it reads. (KNS)

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