Kashmiri student awarded by American Institute of Architects

12 colleges, universities participated in competition

12 colleges, universities participated in competition

Srinagar, Nov 29 (KNS): A 23-year-old Kashmiri student has been awarded for his project by the prestigious American Institute of Architects based in United States of America for his outstanding academic achievement.
Murtaza Sayeed Rafiqi, an alumni of Delhi Public School in Srinagar who got higher education in Damam, Saudi Arabia, graduated in architecture from New York Institute of Technology, New York, in 2016.
His project ‘An Affordable Luxury House for Middle Class Family' was adjudged one of the best by American Institute of Architects (AIA), an approved body of architects of USA formed in 1857. At least 12 colleges and universities had participated in the competition.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
“The exhibition was held at Madison Square Garden New York. Murtaza was awarded with a certificate and US $5000,” He is first Kashmiri to be honoured with this award.
“It is an honor to represent outstanding students such as you in the AIA exhibition. Your remarkable talent and commitment to the AIA community leaves no doubt that you will continue to be successful in future endeavors,” the AIA letter of appreciation to Murtaza says.
The young architect is based in New Delhi and he has got an offer from Dubai based Hard Precast Building Solutions Limited to join them. (KNS)

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