Timber Shortage Leaves Bandipora Residents in Cold

Woes Deepen with SFC Office Move to Ganderbal

Woes Deepen with SFC Office Move to Ganderbal

Suhail Rather

Bandipora, May 18 (KNS): Residents of Bandipora are disappointed as the State Forest Corporation (SFC) fails to provide timber to deserving individuals, despite local timber production in the district.

The unavailability of timber forces impoverished people to buy commercial timber at inflated prices. Bashir Ahmad, a local resident, recounts his year-long wait for timber despite SFC sanctioning it. His house construction remains incomplete due to the lack of timber.

Various depots in Bandipora have been without timber for the past eight months, despite timber recovery from local forests. Residents from areas like Laharwalpora, Nusoo, Nadihal, Gamroo, and Ajas express their grievances against the SFC for the delay.

Gh Nabi Lone, who has been waiting for timber for ten months, highlights the disparity between sanctioned timber and actual distribution, leaving many without for years.

Reports suggest an uneven distribution of timber between Bandipora and Ganderbal, aggravating the crisis.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe absence of an SFC office in Bandipora, with the DM's additional charge and office relocation to Ganderbal, exacerbates the situation. Locals are now forced to travel to Ganderbal to get their applications signed, a process that was previously handled within Bandipora. Residents complain that the officer responsible has never visited Bandipora and has instead moved the office to Ganderbal independently.

Locals criticize the lack of response from SFC officials despite numerous attempts to address the issue. "While every district smoothly receives timber from their local SFCs, we are unjustly deprived of this facility," said one resident.

Residents of Bandipora urge concerned authorities, including the Deputy Commissioner of Bandipora, to intervene and resolve the timber shortage promptly. Attempts to contact the SFC DM were unsuccessful. (KNS) 

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