A Blow to Press Freedom by Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi and His Team: Tarun Chugh

Chandigarh, Sept 15 (KNS):Tarun Chugh, National General Secretary of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), strongly condemned the reported incident involving the mishandling of journalist by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s team during Gandhi’s recent visit to Dallas, United States. Chugh described the situation as deeply troubling and indicative of a disturbing trend within the Congress party and its leaders. Tarun Chugh slammed Rahul and team saying “A Blow to Press Freedom by Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi and His Team”

Chugh stated, “It is alarming to witness such disregard for journalistic freedom and democratic values from those who position themselves as champions of constitutional rights and press freedom. The Congress party’s actions during Rahul Gandhi’s U.S. visit reveal a troubling pattern of intolerance towards dissenting voices, reminiscent of the dark days of their previous tenure when media freedom was severely compromised.”

He continued, “The incident, as described, not only involved the forcible seizure of a journalist’s phone but also a shocking attempt to erase crucial footage. This act undermines the very essence of a free press. Such behavior is indicative of a party that, despite its claims of upholding democratic principles, resorts to censorship and intimidation when confronted with uncomfortable questions.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Chugh further criticized Rahul Gandhi and his team, saying, “Rahul Gandhi’s team’s attempt to delete footage simply because a question about the issue of Hindus being killed in Bangladesh was deemed controversial is a clear assault on journalistic integrity. This is not only an attack on an individual journalist but on the freedom of the press itself. It is hypocritical for Gandhi to advocate for press freedom on international platforms while simultaneously suppressing it abroad.”

Chugh called upon the Congress party to address these serious allegations transparently. “The Congress must come forward and clarify these accusations. An impartial investigation into this incident is necessary to ensure accountability. The actions of Rahul Gandhi’s team in Dallas have only exposed their true colors and further eroded the public’s trust in their claims of protecting democratic values.”

Chugh emphasized the need for a commitment to upholding journalistic freedom. He said "The BJP remains committed to defending press freedom and will continue to hold accountable those who undermine it.” (KNS)

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