Apni Party is committed to stand with the people, regardless of the circumstances: Ghulam Hassan Mir

Apni Party has its own agenda and policies, which are deeply rooted in the long-term interests of the people: Muntazir Mohiuddin

Apni Party has its own agenda and policies, which are deeply rooted in the long-term interests of the people: Muntazir Mohiuddin

Srinagar, July 7 (KNS): Apni Party Senior Vice President, Ghulam Hassan Mir, on Sunday urged the party workers to intensify their political activities and public outreach to create a closer bond with the people at the grassroots level in their respective areas. He identified some grave public issues and assured that Apni Party will work unwaveringly to ensure the redressal of these issues.

He was addressing a workers’ convention Kunzar area of Tangmarg today. Party’s State Secretary and Chief Spokesperson Muntazir Mohiuddin also addressed the occasion.

Talking about several public issues that are causing widespread sufferings to people, Ghulam Hassan Mir pledged that Apni Party will strive unwaveringly to ensure these issues are addressed in the interest of the people.

He said, “Apni Party will ensure that the existing Geology and Mining policies, which allow outsiders to secure contracts for minerals and natural resources, are repealed. These policies are adversely affecting the interests of the local people.”

Mir expressed his deep concern over the growing unemployment. He said, “I feel pained to see young and educated people grappling with unemployment, while the administration does nothing about it.”

Expressing his anguish over the rising power tariffs, Ghulam Hassan Mir said, “On one hand, people are suffering from issues like increasing unemployment, lack of opportunities, and up trending inflation. On the other hand, the administration is imposing higher power tariffs on them and now plans to install water meters as well. Such initiatives clearly indicate that the administration is least bothered about the people’s problems.”

Urging the administration and police to ensure that common people are not harmed during counter-terrorism operations in Jammu and Kashmir, he said, “while the administration and security agencies have every right to act against terrorists, but innocent people should not subjected to sufferings during this process.”

He expressed his concern over the detentions of the youth and said, “It is painful to see that during visits of VVIPs, youth in some areas are called to police stations and detained until the conclusion of the dignitary's visit. This practice must be stopped.”

The party's State Secretary and Chief Spokesperson, Muntazir Mohiuddin, while addressing the gathering, explained the agenda and policies of the party. He said, “Apni Party has its own agenda and policies that are deeply rooted in the long-term interests of the people. This party is neither affiliated nor aligned with any other political party in the region or at the national level.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelWe have our own mission and vision that we are pursuing for the larger interest of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

He went on to say, “Our agenda and mission largely focus on ensuring peace, prosperity, and development in Jammu and Kashmir.”

He further said, “Apni Party demands the restoration of statehood with the same powers that J&K enjoyed before August 5, 2019. We have stated that Apni Party will not accept statehood with fewer rights. Additionally, we demand an assembly that has similar powers to those J&K used to have?”

Muntazir reiterated his party’s demand about the martyrs’ day of July 13. He said, “The martyrs who laid down their lives on July 13, 1931, are revered for us. Apni Party demands that the gazetted holiday must be reinstated, allowing people to commemorate Martyrs' Day with official functions as it used to be.

Talking about Apni Party’s role post August 2019, Muntazir Mohiudin said, “After August 5, 2019, when the whole of Jammu and Kashmir was in chaos and people were apprehensive of witnessing a demographic change in this region, traditional leaders chose to remain silent. It was Apni Party’s leadership that went to New Delhi and met with the Prime Minister, Home Minister, and other government leaders to convince them to ensure protection of land and jobs here. Our leaders convinced the centre to ensure that locals will have exclusive rights to land and jobs here.”

“I assure you that we will continue stand with the people of Jammu and Kashmir and will always protect their rights,” he added.

Reiterating Apni Party’s demand for the release of prisoners, Muntazir said, “There are cases where some youth were arrested and booked under PSA before the parliamentary elections in the name of ensuring security during the polls. Now that the polls have concluded, Apni Party appreciates the administration for successfully conducting them in a hassle-free manner. However, those who were detained before the polls and those who have been in prison for quite some time should be released. These prisoners deserve the right to resume normal life with their families.”

The prominent party leaders who were present on this occasion included DDC Kunzar Sheik Nazir Ahmad, Party's Provincial Secretary Aftab Beigh, DDC member Ishfaq Ahmad, Abdul Kareem Dar, Abdul Majid Khanday, Abdul Rehman (Kaka Ji), Nazir Ahmad, Shaheen Ahmad, Abdul Ghani Mir, Mohammad Asadullah, Mohammad Shafi Mir, Ahdul Majeed, all Zonal and Block Presidents, and others.(KNS) 

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