Beerwah Middle School Hosts Drug Awareness Program

 SRINAGAR, July 26(KNS): Middle School Sonapah in Beerwah marked the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking with a comprehensive program aimed at raising awareness among students and the community. The event, organized by the school administration in collaboration with local authorities, highlighted the importance of combating substance abuse and preventing illicit trafficking.

The program commenced with a series of informative sessions where students  educated about the dangers of drug abuse and its detrimental effects on health, education, and personal development. 
"We believe that educating young minds about the risks associated with drug abuse is crucial in preventing future addiction problems," said Mr Sadiq Ahmad senior teacher of Middle School Sonapah. "Our goal is to empower students with knowledge so they can make informed choices and resist peer pressure."
The program concluded with a pledge ceremony where students and staff vowed to uphold the principles of a drug-free lifestyle and to actively support efforts to combat drug trafficking in their community.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 
Reflecting on the day's activities, Mr Sadiq Ahmad expressed her satisfaction with the  participation of Students. "Events like these are crucial in instilling values of responsibility and awareness in our students," He remarked "We are committed to continuing such initiatives to ensure our students grow up in a safe and supportive environment."
The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking program at Middle School Sonapah not only raised awareness but also fostered a sense of unity and determination among students and the community to combat drug abuse effectively.(KNS).

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