CCIK Welcomes Government's Decision on Power Tariff

 Srinagar, 24 July(KNS) The Chamber of Commerce and Industries Kashmir (CCIK) wholeheartedly welcomes the government's decision to maintain the current power tariff for the Financial Year 2024-2025, providing significant relief to power consumers. This decision reflects the government’s commitment to addressing the concerns of the people and supporting the economic well-being of the region.

CCIK extends its heartfelt thanks to the Honorable Lieutenant Governor and the Chief Secretary for this considerate decision. This matter was a focal point during our discussions with the LG in a recent meeting, where CCIK persistently raised the issue of escalating power costs and its impact on the business community and residents.
CCIK said in a statement,
By maintaining the current power tariff, the government has taken a crucial step towards ensuring economic stability for businesses and households in Jammu & Kashmir. This move will help local enterprises manage their operational costs more effectively, fostering a conducive environment for growth and development.
The decision to avoid tariff increases is especially beneficial for vulnerable communities who are already facing economic challenges. It ensures that they will not bear additional financial burdens, contributing to overall social equity.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

In addition to the power tariff issue, CCIK also raised concerns regarding the water supply for the people of J&K. We are grateful to the government for acknowledging this issue and taking steps to improve water supply infrastructure. Adequate water supply is essential for public health and the smooth functioning of businesses and households alike.

This decision underscores the government's commitment to maintaining an open dialogue with stakeholders. The CCIK appreciates the responsiveness and willingness of the LG administration to listen to and act upon the concerns raised by the business community and citizens.

CCIK thanks the LG government for their continued support and for taking these proactive measures to address the pressing issues faced by the people of Jammu & Kashmir. We look forward to ongoing collaboration to ensure the sustained economic growth and well-being of our region.

CCIK remains committed to advocating for the interests of the business community and the residents of J&K, and we will continue to work closely with the government to address any challenges that arise.(KNS).

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