Center should respect aspirations of people of Kashmir: Hakeem Yaseen

‘Repeating past mistakes of coercion would yield nothing’

‘Repeating past mistakes of coercion would yield nothing’

Srinagar, Aug 04 (KNS): Urging the Centre to respect urges and aspirations of the state, Chairman PDF said that that the state of Jammu & Kashmir was an independent country upto 1947 which acceded to India on certain conditions including Article 370 and Article 35-A. He asked the center not to betray the people of the state for petty political interests.

Speaking to a gathering of his party workers, Hakeem Yaseen said that the people of the state have acceded to India with some expectations which should be fulfilled to win their hearts and minds. He said previous regimes in the state with the blind support of the respective central governments have been repeatedly betraying trust and faith of the people for satiating their petty gains. He said repeated betrayals with the trust of common masses has resulted in their deep alienation from the mainstream. He said need of the hour was to address the main cause of people's alienation and to punish those political parties who have ditched the people on false promises.

Hakeem Yaseen said that the blind support to some opportunistic political parties of the state during last seven decades reveal that Kashmir was put into flames by none other than India itself.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe said Kashmiris are being treated just like slaves and they have been living in an environment of constant fear and panic. He said despite solemn promises made to the people of Kashmir at the time of accession, the sword of fear about abrogation of Article 370 was kept constantly hanging over their heads. He impressed upon the center to try to win hearts of the people by love and affection instead of using military might.

Hakeem Yaseen urged the center to leave any decision on Constitutional matters on the elected government and not commit any misadventure to tinker with the constitutional guarantees of the state, which may ignite flames that cannot be doused later on.

“Center should know that Kashmir issue cannot be solved by force but dialogue and reconciliation was the best way to own it,” Hakeem Yaseen remarked. (KNS) 

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