Congress Strategizes on Assembly Polls in J&K, Key Decisions, Promises Made in High-Stakes Meeting

Local Decision-Making on alliance, Inclusive Manifesto remain talk of meeting; Rahul, Priyanka, Kharge to campaign in J&K in upcoming Assembly polls

Local Decision-Making on alliance, Inclusive Manifesto remain talk of meeting; Rahul, Priyanka, Kharge to campaign in J&K in upcoming Assembly polls

Srinagar, June 27 (KNS): In a major political development, the Congress party convened a high-stakes meeting at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) headquarters in New Delhi to deliberate on the future political strategy for Jammu and Kashmir.

Sources privy to the meeting told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that the meeting, chaired by Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and attended by key figures including Rahul Gandhi and twenty senior leaders from J&K.

They said that eight leaders from Kashmir and twelve from Jammu were present in the meeting and the primary focus of the discussion was the party's potential alliances in J&K in upcoming assembly polls and it was decisively concluded that state leaders would be entrusted with the authority to evaluate and finalize alliances based on constituency-specific strengths and weaknesses.

To facilitate this, a core group has been established, tasked with assessing the political dynamics in each constituency. This group is expected to submit a detailed report within three weeks, providing a granular understanding of where the Congress stands strong and where it needs to boost its presence, they added.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

They also said that Rahul Gandhi, reaffirming his commitment to the J&K, announced that both he and Priyanka Gandhi would actively campaign in Jammu and Kashmir in upcoming Assembly elections.

Sources further said that Rahul emphasized the necessity of a manifesto that addresses the pressing issues faced by the people of J&K, ensuring that the party's campaign is both relevant and resonant.

Sources also said that a notable topic of discussion was the return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits. The Congress leadership highlighted this as a top priority, with Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge stressing that the return of Kashmiri Pandits with dignity would be a cornerstone of the party’s policy for the J&K.

The J&K Congress leaders also shared their perspectives on potential pre- or post-election alliances, particularly noting the increased vote share in both Jammu and the Kashmir Valley in recently lok sabha elections.(KNS)


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