CPI(M) will seek answers for wrongdoings, assault on people's rights from ruling dispensation in assembly :Tarigami

Kulgam, Sept 07 (KNS): CPI(M) leader Mohamad Yousuf Tarigami, said on Saturday that if elected, he will demand answers from the ruling dispensation for their wrongdoings and the assault on people’s rights over the past decade in Jammu and Kashmir
Tarigami was addressing a series of rallies in villages of the Kulgam constituency, including Tengbal, Kakran, Begam, Takai Begam, Gadihama, Pariwan, Sehpora, Odurah, and Nillow.

He said that he has never changed his stance on people's rights, unlike others who are being supported under the guise of independents, but are actually proxy candidates who have shifted their positions over time.

“The voters must understand the significance of this assembly election and what we lost on August 5, 2019. People should know that their dignity, respect, and honor were attacked.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelWe must remember, and not forget, the gravity of what happened,” Tarigami said.
He noted that the assembly now no longer holds the same power it once did. He urged the youth to recognize the changes made to the rights and powers of the legislative assembly.
The CPIM leader added that while this assembly election offers an opportunity to elect representatives, it is crucial that those elected have these issues in mind and prioritize addressing them.

“It’s time for us to walk together. We aspire for our youth to soar high on their own, but we must also create opportunities for them. The challenges ahead can only be addressed by uniting, from villages to cities,” he added.(KNS) 

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