Door-to-Door campaigning gains momentum ahead of Assembly Elections in JK

Ishtiyaq Kar

Srinagar, Sep 13 (KNS): As Jammu and Kashmir gears up for its Assembly elections, door-to-door campaigning has intensified, with political parties and independent candidates actively seeking voter support.
With the first phase of the elections scheduled for September 18, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation as candidates traverse local neighborhoods to connect directly with voters.
The initial phase will cover 24 constituencies across the region,

including 16 in the southern districts of Anantnag, Kulgam, Shopian, and Pulwama. This marks the beginning of a three-phase election process, with subsequent phases planned for September 25 and October 1. As the election date approaches, the intensity of the campaign efforts has ramped up significantly.
For many candidates, door-to-door campaigning is seen as a vital strategy to engage with the electorate on a personal level.
It allows them to address voters' concerns directly and present their platforms in a more intimate setting than public rallies or media appearances.
The approach also offers a chance for candidates to understand local issues and tailor their promises to meet the specific needs of different communities.
“We believe that direct interaction with voters is crucial,” one of the candidates here in Srinagar told KNS, wishing not to be named.

“Meeting people face-to-face helps build trust and allows us to address their concerns effectively. It’s about showing that we are approachable and committed to serving their needs.”
Independent candidates are also making significant strides with this approach.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelWith fewer resources compared to major political parties, independents often rely on personal connections and grassroots efforts to gain visibility.
By visiting homes and engaging in one-on-one conversations, they aim to carve out a niche for themselves in the competitive electoral landscape.

“This is our chance to connect with people on a deeper level,” said an independent candidate in North Kashmir. “We can listen to their grievances, share our vision, and convince them that we are a viable alternative to traditional party candidates.”

Political parties are leveraging their organizational strength to ensure their candidates are visible across all constituencies. Volunteers and party workers are mobilized to support door-to-door campaigns, distribute flyers, and coordinate meet-and-greet events. This grassroots approach is complemented by larger rallies and media campaigns, creating a multi-faceted strategy to maximize voter outreach.

The first phase of the election will be particularly significant as it includes key constituencies in south Kashmir, an area that has seen a mix of political activity and unrest in recent years.
The high stakes in these districts are driving candidates to work diligently to secure every possible vote.

The election commission has set up measures to ensure a smooth voting process, with enhanced security arrangements and logistical support in place.
With the first phase just around the corner, the energy and enthusiasm of the candidates and their supporters are palpable, setting the stage for a dynamic and competitive election season.(KNS) 

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