Dr. Farooq Abdullah pays condolence visit to Baramulla

Offers condolences to bereaved families of Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Sultan Dobi

Offers condolences to bereaved families of Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Sultan Dobi

Srinagar, 11 June (KNS): The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah sahib visited old townBaramulla to commiserate with the bereaved family of Former MLA Alhaj Abdul Aziz sahib, who had breathed his last the other day.

Joined by the J&K National Conference local unit functionaries, he offered Fatiha for the deceased & prayed for fortitude to the bereaved family.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

He also visited the residence of dedicated party functionary late Muhammad Sultan Dhobi sahib for condolences. Dhobi sahib had lost his life after drowning in Jhelum river.

He was accompanied by Chief Spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq, North Zone President Javed Dar, CI GH Rahi, Adv Shahid Ali, Adv Neelofar Masood and other party local unit functionaries. (KNS) 

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