Srinagar Mar 27 (KNS) : The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar on Monday stated that the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir runs contrary to the tall claims of the government.
In a statement released from party headquarters, Sagar said, “The make-believe reality of the JK administration stands in sharp contrast to the ground reality. The attempts to disenfranchise people of J&K are gaining momentum with each passing day. Black listing of local contractors and targeting their livelihood is the newest bench mark achieved by the incumbent administration in its ongoing reckless experimentation in the beleaguered region. The ruling dispensation and its pliable administration is taking the region down the path engulfed with uncertainty. Any further delay in the restoration of the people's government will only add to the misery of people and push the entire region to a point of no return.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel”
Sagar while underscoring the need of having an elected government in J&K said that previously having a prolonged Governor's rule and President's rule from 1990-96 didn't prove any effective towards improving the situation. "It was only after a representative government led by Dr Farooq Abdullah came in, things started improving. Today we see a gulf between the government and the people of the state increasing. To reverse this trend we ought to have a representative government in the state. Why is that, the state is being deliberately kept away from a democratic process. The promise of bridging "Dil ki doori" and "Dilli Say doori’ had filled the people with hope. There is a need to encapsulate all dimensions to build back faith in the people of J&K with peace building efforts and restoration of democracy at the heart of it."(KNS)