Karnah, Kupwara District: Surge in Pilgrims to Sharda Temple Marks Cultural Revival

Peerzada Sayeed

Karnah Kupwara(KNS):The Sharda Temple in Teetwal, Karnah, located in the Kupwara District of North Kashmir, has seen an impressive influx of pilgrims in 2024, with around 6,000 visitors till June. This surge in pilgrims highlights the temple's deep spiritual significance and the growing interest in the region's cultural and religious heritage.

The increase in tourism to Sharda Temple not only fosters a sense of community and devotion among visitors but also boosts the local economy. The influx supports infrastructure development and cultural preservation efforts around the temple, benefiting both locals and visitors.

As per Kashmir News Service(KNS), Local authorities and residents have welcomed the rise in pilgrim numbers, noting the positive impact on the region.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe increased interest in Sharda Temple is seen as a celebration of its historical and religious importance, ensuring that its cultural significance is preserved for future generations.

Such gatherings at the Sharda Temple not only underscore the temple's rich history but also contribute to the overall cultural and economic development of Karnah. The community spirit and sense of devotion among the pilgrims reflect the enduring appeal of the temple and its vital role in the region's cultural landscape.

As the number of visitors continues to rise, the local administration is focusing on improving facilities and services to accommodate the growing number of pilgrims, ensuring a safe and enriching experience for all who come to seek spiritual solace at the Sharda Temple.(KNS) 

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