Labour Commissioner directs strict enforcement of "Close Day" for shops & commercial establishments

Srinagar, Sep 03 (KNS): The Labour Commissioner of Jammu and Kashmir has issued a firm directive emphasizing the mandatory observance of the "Close Day" by all shops and commercial establishments, as stipulated under Section-13 of the Jammu and Kashmir Shops & Establishment Act, 1966.
As per KNS, the directive comes in response to rising concerns about non-compliance with the Act, which mandates that every shop or commercial establishment in the Union Territory must remain fully closed for one day each week.
The directive underlines that it is unlawful for employers to require employees to work or conduct business activities on the designated "Close Day," and no deductions should be made from the wages of employees for this observance.
The Labour Commissioner highlighted the importance of this day off in safeguarding workers' welfare and ensuring adherence to statutory regulations.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
In light of increasing violations, where many establishments have failed to observe their assigned "Close Day," the Labour Commissioner has instructed all Assistant Labour Commissioners (ALCs) across the UT to enforce strict compliance.
Any shop or establishment found violating this provision will face legal action under Section-38 of the Act.
The ALCs have been tasked with monitoring compliance within their respective districts and are required to submit action reports to the Labour Commissioner's office by the 3rd of every month.
This directive aims to reinforce the importance of worker welfare and ensure that the statutory requirements of the J&K Shops & Establishment Act, 1966, are upheld across the Union Territory.(KNS) 

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