LG Manoj Sinha vows stern action against supporters of ‘terror ecosystem’

 Ishtiyaq Ahmad

Srinagar, Dec 02 (KNS): Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, Saturday affirmed that individuals associated with the “terror ecosystem” in Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory would face tough repercussions.
Sinha also emphasized that it is the prime responsibility of the police and security agencies to identify and take action against those involved in supporting terrorism.
According to KNS, these remarks were made by the Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha  while visiting the family of the late Havaldar Abdul Majid in Ajote, Poonch, Saturday.
Havaldar Abdul Majid was killed during an anti-terror operation in Rajouri, and the Lt Governor, in a show of solidarity, offered his condolences to the grieving family.
During his visit, Lt Governor Sinha expressed deep sorrow at the loss of Havaldar Abdul Majid and conveyed heartfelt condolences to the family.
He assured the bereaved family of all necessary assistance and support from the government, emphasizing the debt of gratitude owed to those who make supreme sacrifices in the line of duty.
Paying homage to the late Havaldar, Lt Governor Sinha remarked that the entire nation takes pride in the valour and courage displayed by Havaldar Abdul Majid.
The soldier, who hails from a family with a long history of service and sacrifices for the motherland, exemplifies the dedication of our armed forces in safeguarding the nation's security.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
On the occasion Lt Governor Sinha not only commended the armed forces, including the Army, J&K Police, and CAPFs (Central Armed Police Forces) for their well-planned counter-terrorism operations but also made a strong declaration against those supporting terror ecosystems.
“We will intensify our operations against the terror ecosystem & those aiding and abetting terrorists & make sure they pay a very heavy price for their heinous actions,” declared Lt Governor Sinha.
The visit and statement by Lt Governor Manoj Sinha have garnered widespread support from the local community in the area.
He further said, “No one will be spared if found supporting terrorism in any way,”

“The terror eco-system is being destroyed by the security forces,” Lt Governor Sinha added, acknowledging the ongoing efforts of the security forces in dismantling networks that support and promote terrorism in the Union Territory.
“Lt Governor Sinha's remarks on the "terror ecosystem" being dismantled align with the continuous efforts of the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir. The armed forces, including the Army, J&K Police, and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), have been actively involved in well-planned counter-terrorism operations to neutralize threats and eradicate support structures for terrorism”.(KNS)

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