Police recovered illicit forest timber in Handwara, case registered

Handwara, Mar 06 (KNS): Jammu and Kashmir Police in north Kashmir’s Handwara on Wednesday said it recovered 32 Illicit Devdar Timber Logs in Village Kherman.

An official said that acting on reliable information, recovered 32 logs of illicit Devdar timber from the cowshed of Ab Rehman Ganai, also known as Showkat, son of Mohd Subhan, resident of Kherman Wadipoora.

Following this significant development, a case has been registered under FIR No.34/024, invoking sections 379 IPC and 26 of the Forest Act, he said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Handwara Police has promptly initiated a thorough investigation to unveil the intricacies of this illicit activity, the official said.

This successful operation underscores the commitment of Handwara Police in combating illegal activities and preserving the region's natural resources, the official added.

He said that the diligent efforts of the police force ensure the enforcement of law and contribute to the protection of our environment.(KNS).

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