Sajjad Shaheen conducts extensive tour to remote Mahu-Mangit villages

Demands immediate filling of vacant posts in educational institutions and health care centers in rural areas

Demands immediate filling of vacant posts in educational institutions and health care centers in rural areas

Banihal March 12 (KNS) :   National Conference leader and District president Ramban, Mir Sajjad Shaheen conducted extensive tour to remote villages that include Mahu, Mangit, Kawna, Ahma, Kumbla, Odhala, Arimarg, Bawah,  in Khari Tehsil and took stock of the problems faced by the people on day today basis. He was accompanied by the local DDC Counselor besides prominent party functionaries of the party's block Khari. 

During his visit to these villages the locals apprised him about erratic power supply, scarcity of drinking water, shortage of staff in educational institutions and health care centers besides dilapidated  condition of roads in their villages. People also demanded construction of  health centre buildings at Mahu, Kutji, Sarachi, Tanka besides removing the bottle necks which has caused delay in the construction of Bawah to Mangit link road as the village lacks road connectivity causing immense suffering to the local villagers particularly patients and school going children. 

Shaheen said the road connectivity to Khari -Mahu and Banihal -Mangit roads is in bad shape and needs improvement and upgradation as the dilapidated roads have added to the miseries of the people.

He has urged the District Administration to take immediate cognizance of these serious public issues as these are of utmost importance for the large number of local population living in the entire Khari tehsil.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Shaheen also drew the attention of the Lt Governor led State administration towards deficiencies in Education and Health sectors and sought immediate filling up of vacant posts as also stocking of adequate quantity of medicines in the Health institutions particularly in far flung areas. 

The NC leader has urged upon the administration to review stock and supply position of essential commodities and ensure ration, Cooking gas and Kerosene oil in all remote villages of district Ramban and Gool including Mahu-Mangit, Trigam, Sarachi, Chaka, Sarbagni, Neel, Sumar, Pogal -Paristan, Hinjhal, Nowgam, Amkote-Thachi, Chaknarwa, Chamalwas and other villages. 
He was accompanied by DDC Counselor Khari Mrs Gulshan Parveen, Block President Mohd Ashraf Naik,  Vice block Presidents Mohammed Anwar Naik, Jalal Din Paddar, Mohd Shafi Naik, Office secretary Abdul Gani Wani, Youth Proviencial Vice President Tariq Ahmed Dar, Youth block president Khari Shabir Ahmed Naik, Block secretary Farooq Ahmed Goth besides Abdul Jabbar Mir, Mohd Hanif Naik, Muzaffar Ahmed, Mohd Ishaq Bhat, Gulam Mohd Naik, Gulam Mohd Hajam. (KNS) 

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