Will ensure students graduate as responsible citizens with substantial knowledge: Dir colleges J&K

Asif Malik

Srinagar, July 16 (KNS): Director Colleges Jammu & Kashmir, Prof Sheikh Ajaz Bashir on Tuesday said that he will ensure students graduate as responsible citizens with Substantial knowledge and employable skills.

In an exclusive interview with Kashmir News Service (KNS), Ajaz said that his primary mandate will be to ensure students graduate as responsible citizens with substantial knowledge and employable skills. "Our aim is to make sure that students, when they leave college, are not only knowledgeable but also prepared to contribute positively to society," he said.

Ajaz said that the major challenge in colleges is absenteeism. "We are planning to implement a leave management system across colleges to enforce mandatory attendance.Our goal is to ensure students attend regularly, adhering to the 70% or 75% attendance requirement set by universities."

"We are focused on timely placements, clear provisions, and supporting faculty development, Ajaz said while highlighting the efforts to transition colleges to e-office modes for more efficient communication and operations, aligning with directives from the General Administrative Department.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
On being asked about the pressing issues of drug abuse and environmental conservation, Ajaz said that they will have special committees and points of contact in colleges to train and sensitize students. He urged parents to stay connected with colleges to ensure their children attend regularly.

Discussing the challenges of implementing the National Education Policy, which grants students more liberties within a defined framework, Ajaz stressed the importance of regular attendance to fully benefit from the new educational initiatives.

"Students must ensure they are attending college to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the new policy," he added.(KNS) 

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