Ahead of winter, Army, BSF to strength border security measures

Ishtiyaq Kar

Srinagar, Oct 02 (KNS): Ahead of winter, the Army and the Border Security Forces (BSF) are strengthening security measures along the International Border (IB) in order to foil infiltration bids and “terror” attacks, officials said.
Reliable sources told news agency Kashmir News Service (KNS) that ahead of the winter, the Indian Army and the BSF have deployed additional troops and equipment along the IB, and are also conducting regular patrols and surveillance operations.
“The army is working closely with the BSF to ensure coordinated action,” one of the top Army officials, posted in the Uri sector, told news agency Kashmir News service (KNS).
The BSF officials said that they will install anti-fog devices and will deploy more troops along the IB ahead of the winter.
The BSF will also use drones and other technological aids to monitor the border.
“The winter season is a particularly challenging time for border security, as the dense fog and difficult terrain make it easier for terrorists to infiltrate. However, the Indian Army and BSF are committed to ensuring the safety and security of the country's borders, and are taking all necessary measures to prevent infiltration and terror attacks,” said the officials.
Sources said that in addition to the above measures, the government is also taking other steps to strengthen border security, such as constructing new border fences and roads, installing surveillance equipment
Upgrading the training and equipment of border security forces.
“The government is committed to ensuring the country's security, and is taking all necessary steps to strengthen border security, especially during the winter season,” the officials maintained.
"The winter strategy will be put in place along the IB. In the middle of November onwards till the weather improves, we take several security measures to ensure that we become absolutely impregnable on the border," said the officials.
Meanwhile intelligence agencies said that the Militants from across the border are making desperate attempts to breach the Line of Control.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
Top sources in the security establishments said that the Indian Army is undertaking steps to re-calibrate its counter-infiltration grid.
“Field intelligence units of the security forces along with the Line of Actual control (LOC), coupled with inputs comprising human intelligence and technical intelligence indicate that scores of militants, are waiting across the border to sneak into the Kashmir,” the sources said and added that the militant groups in are desperate to push in militants in Kashmir.
It is to mention here that two militants were killed in the month of July in an infiltration bid in Macchil sector of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district.
The operation took place close to the line of control early morning (July 19).
In the same month, four militants were killed in an operation in the Surankote area of Poonch district in Jammu and Kashmir. And, in a joint operation, Indian Army and J&K police had killed two infiltrators while foiling an infiltration attempt on the Line of Control (LoC) in the Poonch sector of J&K.
 “We have intelligence inputs that these banned “terror” organizations have activated many “terror” training camps and launching pads with scores of militants in each. All these militants will infiltrate through LoC wherever and whenever there are opportunities,” the sources in the intelligence agencies said.
Sources said that even though the security forces remain on high alert and have enhanced their vigil along the border, many militants have been able to infiltrate in recent weeks.
The Intelligence agencies have said that there are a huge number of militants waiting to infiltrate into India and hence the Army has also taken steps to ramp up counter-insurgency strategies to check the intrusion.
Sources said that the top Army commanders are regularly holding meetings with the formations to work on the re-calibration of Counter Infiltration Grid to ensure that no militant gives the slip and reaches the hinterland after crossing the LoC.
Sources said that security top brass in New Delhi had been closely monitoring these activities. (KNS)

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