All Jammu and Kashmir Shia Association (AJKSA) Holds Majlis-E-Aza to Commemorate Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Mohammed Baqir (AS)

Imran Ansari reaffirmed AJKSA's wont participate in any Muharram-related meetings with admin

Imran Ansari reaffirmed AJKSA's wont participate in any Muharram-related meetings with admin

Ahmadpora (Pattan), June 14 (KNS) : A majlis-e-aza was held today at Ahmadpora (Pattan) to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Mohammed Baqir (AS).

The event was led by Molvi Imran Ansari, President of AJKSA, and Abid Ansari, General Secretary of AJKSA, along with other renowned zakireens.

In his sermon, Molvi Imran Ansari reaffirmed the letter issued by AJKSA General Secretary Abid Ansari, stating that none of the AJKSA units will participate in any Muharram-related meetings with the J&K Administration, statement issued to KNS reads.
This decision comes after the administration's consistent failure to implement essential facilities for mourners during Muharram and Safar over past many years, it added.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

The statement also stated that the Molvi Imran Ansari emphasized that the association will no longer engage in mere lip service, but instead focus on serving the community through the efforts of their volunteers.
He urged all AJKSA units across J&K to unite and work together to ensure the success of Muharram and Safar programs.

The gathering paid tribute to the sacrifices of Imam Mohammed Baqir (AS) and reaffirmed their commitment to the values of justice, compassion, and courage that he embodied.
The event was a poignant reminder of the importance of unity and dedication to the cause of justice and humanity, it added. (KNS) 

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