Chatterhama villagers call on Mayor Srinagar Junaid Azim Mattu

Requested to exclude their area from Srinagar Municipal Limits: Kaiser Ganai

Requested to exclude their area from Srinagar Municipal Limits: Kaiser Ganai

Srinagar, March 09 (KNS) : DDC member Khimber Kaiser Ganai on Thursday expressed his gratitude on behalf of the villagers of Chatterhama, Hazratbal who called on Mayor Srinagar Junaid Azim Mattu to address their pressing issue with regards to the exclusion of their village from municipal limits.

Kaiser in press statement said the locals of Chatterhama apprised Mayor Srinagar about the immense hardship they are facing due to the inclusion of their area in the municipal limits.

"Chatterhama used to fall under the Community Development Block (CDB) that was managed by the Rural Development Department. However, the adjoining areas of Chatterhama are still categorized as rural, which is sheer injustice with the locals of this village," he said.

Kaiser emphasized that the locals have been facing a lot of difficulties as being included under municipal limits while their area remains excluded from benefits that other villages are getting from various government sponsored schemes under Rural welfare.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Kaiser further stated that Mayor Srinagar Junaid Azim Mattu assured the local delegation of Chatterhama village to resolve their matter at the earliest and has also initiated the request process for mitigation of their sufferings. 

"The Mayor listened to their grievances patiently and has assured the locals that their issue will be addressed on a priority basis so as to ease their existing woes," he said 

The villagers of Chatterhama have expressed their gratitude towards Mayor Srinagar Junaid Azim Mattu and Kaiser Ganai for their efforts in addressing their grievances. They hope that their issue will be resolved soon, and they will have access to basic amenities and infrastructure like any other citizen under rural development.(KNS) 

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