Div Com reviews installation of 4G BSNL service system in remote villages

SRINAGAR, DECEMBER 08 (KNS): The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri today reviewed the process of installation of 4G BSNL  infrastructure across the valley especially in uncovered villages and the villages along border fencing line to saturate the delivery of advanced communication services to the  people.

The meeting was attended by all Deputy Commissioners, Additional Commissioner Kashmir, Assistant Commissioner Revenue and officers of the BSNL. 

Addressing the officers, Div Com directed DCs to supervise & expedite the process of saturation of 4G services in the identified villages where the advanced service is not available to the people.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

He directed to ensure  rapid mobilization of machinery and equipments by the client awarded the work.

Div Com also emphasized for identification of villages ahead of fencing line where the  work has to be done on priority basis.(KNS)

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