Engineer Rashid Returns to Srinagar, "Vows to Fight Against 2019 Decision"

"Want to tell PM Modi, Neither I nor People of Kashmir are weak"

"Want to tell PM Modi, Neither I nor People of Kashmir are weak"

Srinagar, September 12 (KNS): Engineer Rashid, the Baramulla MP, arrived at Srinagar Airport today, where he declined to board a bulletproof car, instead choosing to travel in a regular vehicle.
In a symbolic gesture, he bowed down on the ground upon reaching the airport.

Speaking to the media at Humhama Chowk, Engineer Rashid reiterated his opposition to the August 5 2019 decision, calling it "anti-people" and stating that he would continue to fight against it.

According to KNS correspondenthe said, "Neither I nor people of Kashmir are weak, i want to tell PM Modi that the decision u took on 05 August 2019 is not acceptable to the people of Kashmir," he said according to KNS correspondent

He emphasized that his struggle is for the rights and dignity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

"My fight is not for personal gain or power, but for the people of J&K," he said. "I will continue to raise my voice against the injustices perpetrated against our people."

Engineer Rashid is scheduled to address his first public contact program in Baramulla today, where he is expected to outline his vision and future plans.

The Baramulla MP's return to Srinagar has generated significant buzz, with many seeing it as a turning point in the Kashmir politics. (KNS) 

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