Mushtaq Chaya Demands Action Against Disparaging Remarks on Kashmir Tourism

 Srinagar, June 15(KNS): Chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Hoteliers Club, Mushtaq Chaya Saturday expressed strong objection to derogatory comments made about Kashmir tourism.

The valley he said, has seen a notable increase in tourist arrivals, drawn by its breathtaking natural beauty.

Chaya emphasized Kashmir's status as a peaceful destination and called for authorities to address the responsible party for their remarks.

"We are witnessing a significant rise in tourists who are enchanted by Kashmir's natural allure," stated Chaya.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

"I vehemently oppose the disparaging remarks made about Kashmir tourism. The valley is witnessing a surge in tourist arrivals drawn to its natural beauty. I urge authorities to take action against those responsible. Kashmir is peaceful, and I hope this tranquility endures," he added.(KNS).

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