Srinagar Mar 11 (KNS): The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Additional General Secretary Dr. Sheikh Mustafa Kamal Tuesday called out PDP for their hypocritical display of sympathy towards the people whose suffering they themselves are responsible for.
In a statement released from the party headquarters, Dr. Kamal said, “PDP is shedding crocodile tears while conveniently forgetting their own role in creating the miseries of the people. It's like the fox guarding the henhouse! The situation in Jammu and Kashmir would have been drastically different had PDP not betrayed the public mandate by teaming up with BJP. They basically rolled out the red carpet for them, leading the region to its current state of chaos. They were so power-hungry that they turned a blind eye to our pleas to break ties with BJP.”
He further said, "The so-called North Pole and South Pole alliance ended up stripping the region of its special status, causing a spike in unemployment, and making life miserable for the people. PDP has completely lost the plot.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThey owe us all a big apology for their foolishness. Mufti's dream turned out to be a nightmare for the people.”
Emphasising the sense of relief felt by the people of Jammu and Kashmir following the institution of the Omar led government in J&K, Kamal stated that the doors to the power corridors have been opened for the common people, allowing their grievances to be addressed at every level.
“Under the leadership of Omar Abdullah, a feeling of belongingness has been restored among the people, which was previously taken away by undemocratic rule. This is a significant achievement of the government, and more successes will surely follow as Omar sahib is known for keeping his promises. Every aspect of our manifesto will be fulfilled. However, party members must not shirk their responsibilities. We must continue to engage with the public and act as a bridge between the government and the people. It is imperative that we all work together to bring about positive change and progress in our region,” he further added.(KNS)