SVEEP: CEO Kupwara leads Plantation Drive at Polling Station Mugalpora


Kupwara, Sep 15 (KNS) : To promote voter awareness and environmental sustainability, CEO Kupwara who is also District Nodal Officer SVEEP on Saturday led a plantation drive at Green Polling Station Mugalpora.

This initiative is part of the district’s ongoing SVEEP (Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation) activities, aimed at engaging the public in the electoral process and contributing to the environment sustainability.
The CEO was accompanied by Mir Fayizwan Anwar Range Officer kupwara social Forestry and other concerned officials.
On the occasion, CEO highlighted the importance of integrating environmental consciousness with electoral awareness.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe emphasized that such initiatives help to promote a sense of responsibility among citizens both towards the democratic process and the environment.
He said planting trees at Green polling stations Mugalpora is a symbol of our commitment to nurture democracy and the environment.
CEO also emphasized the critical role of BAGs in the election process and acknowledged their efforts in ensuring smooth electoral operations and urged them to remain dedicated in the lead-up to the assembly elections.(KNS) 

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