39 Vehicles blacklisted, over two dozens fined for violating MV rules in Bandipora

 Suhail Rather

Bandipora, June 28 (KNS):- Following complaints against violations of traffic rules,  ARTO Bandipora today laid a  check in different parts of the Bandipora district today, fined over 23 vehicles, blacklisted 39 vehicles and issued 52 vehicle owners on Friday.

The inspection team also informed the drivers about their duties towards observing traffic norms and the road safety rules while traveling, the team also aware commuters raise their voices against any violations by drivers.

ARTO Bandipora Anis Ahmad warned drivers for violating traffic rules and emphasized them not to break traffic rules to avoid any action from the department.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

He also said that the checking of vehicles will continue in different parts of the district in the coming days.

In addition to that ARTO Bandipora issued notices for RC / RP suspension to 52 vehicle owners who have not paid their pending challan . Several vehicles were also blacklisted who have done different violations (KNS).

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