Healthcare Crisis in Tangdar: Residents and Doctors Urge Urgent Action Amid Severe Staff Shortage

Peerzada Sayeed

Tangdar, September 16, 2024 (KNS) The healthcare system in Tangdar and surrounding areas is grappling with a critical shortage of specialized medical professionals, prompting urgent calls for intervention from both local residents and doctors. The situation has reached alarming levels, with the Sub District Hospital (SDH) Tangdar and the broader health block severely understaffed.

A recent delegation of Tangdar residents highlighted the dire need for key positions, such as surgeon specialists, gynaecologists, and anaesthetists. The absence of a full-time anaesthetist since the retirement of a local practitioner two years ago has exacerbated the crisis. The current rotation policy for anaesthetists has led to frequent service interruptions, impacting patient care.

Furthermore, a troubling trend has emerged where doctors are frequently modifying transfer orders to avoid posting in Tangdar, leaving many positions unfilled. The SDH Tangdar is currently devoid of essential specialists, including orthopaedicians, paediatricians, ENT specialists, ophthalmologists, and physician specialists, which has severely compromised healthcare delivery.

The community has long advocated for upgrading SDH Tangdar from 30 to 100 beds to accommodate growing patient needs, but this request remains unaddressed. In addition, there are notable gaps in dental staffing, with several posts vacant for decades, including three positions for dental surgeons.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Current staffing levels are critically low, with 93 out of 149 total posts vacant. This includes 21 of 31 doctor positions and 71 of 118 non-gazetted posts. The shortage extends to support staff, with retirements and promotions leaving many positions unfilled.

Moreover, disparities in compensation between employees in Tangdar and those in Srinagar have led to dissatisfaction among medical professionals. Tangdar employees receive significantly lower housing and risk allowances compared to their counterparts in Srinagar, further demoralizing the workforce. Incentives for hard-area service were abruptly discontinued in 2019 without official communication.

Doctors are calling for a revised transfer policy, fixed tenures for healthcare workers in Tangdar, and competitive salaries to attract and retain staff. They also advocate for an online posting option similar to the education department’s system.

While talking with kashmir news service (KNS)Chief Medical Officer Dr. Mohammad Ramazan has acknowledged the issue, stating that the vacant positions have been referred to the Directorate of Health Services Kashmir, with ongoing recruitment efforts expected to address some of the gaps.

The community and healthcare professionals await prompt action to resolve this critical staffing shortage and improve the healthcare infrastructure in Tangdar.(KNS) 

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