LG Manoj Sinha chairs high-level security review meeting following reasi terrorist attack

Ishtiyaq Kar

Srinagar, June 10 (KNS): Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha chaired a high-level security review meeting with officials from the Jammu and Kashmir Police and Civil Administration.

Sources told KNS that during the in-depth security review meeting with senior officials of the J&K Police and Civil Administration the focus of the meeting was to assess the current security situation and devise strategic measures to prevent future incidents.

LG Sinha assured the public that stringent actions will be taken against those responsible for the recent terrorist attack on pilgrims in Reasi.
He emphasized that the perpetrators, along with those who aid and abet such heinous acts, will face severe punishment.
"I assure the people that those behind the attack on pilgrims in Reasi, as well as those who support and harbor them, will be brought to justice. Our administration is committed to maintaining peace and ensuring the safety of all citizens," he stated.

The meeting underscored the need for heightened surveillance and intelligence gathering to thwart any further attempts of terrorists.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
Enhanced security protocols and collaborative efforts between the police and civil administration were discussed to bolster the region's defense mechanisms.

Earlier, while speaking to reporters about the Reasi terrorist attack, LG Sinha condemned the "nefarious" attempts and vowed that the perpetrators would not be spared. "I assure the people that those behind the attack on pilgrims in Reasi and those aiding and abetting them will be punished," he stated firmly.

On Monday, LG Sinha also visited the injured pilgrims receiving treatment at Government Medical College, Jammu, and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Katra. "Met the injured pilgrims at Government Medical College, Jammu, and Narayana Hospital, Katra, and wished them a speedy recovery. The entire nation stands firmly with the families of martyred pilgrims in this hour of grief," he expressed.

The team of doctors briefed the Lt Governor on the health conditions of the injured and the medical facilities being provided to them, ensuring that all necessary measures are in place for their recovery.(KNS) 

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