Overcrowded emergency ward hits patient care in SKIMS JVC Hospital Sgr

 Ishtiyaq Kar

Srinagar, June 28 (KNS): At the Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) -run JVC Hospital in Bemina Srinagar, the emergency ward is a scene of daily desperation and chaos.

The overcrowded space and alleged lack of hygiene are immediately apparent.
Patients, often in severe pain, find themselves lost in a sea of confusion, waiting for urgent medical attention.

"Only junior doctors are available here in this ward, especially during late-night hours, exacerbating the plight of those in critical condition. Senior doctors and consultants arrive only after being called, by which time the crucial window for saving a life might have already closed," said visibly distressed patients.

"The ward's hygiene standards are appalling. Nurses and male employees administer injections without gloves, and basic precautions are ignored. It's not uncommon to see two patients sharing the same stretcher, a testament to the overwhelming demand and insufficient facilities," patients and their attendants added.

Rafiya, a patient from Bemina, shared her harrowing experience with KNS. "I had severe abdominal pain and came to this hospital, but I was asked to wait due to the rush. My pain was unbearable. I managed to see a junior doctor who recommended an injection. But when I went to the counter, they told me it wasn't available. I couldn't move, so I asked my brother to help me get the injection from outside the hospital. When he brought it back, the ward was so crowded and chaotic that it was impossible to get the injection administered. My brother decided to take me to a private hospital, where I finally received the proper treatment.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThis is the condition of this ward. Top officials must visit and address these issues for the benefit of patients.

Patients and their attendants are urging the LG-led administration and Secretary of Health, Dr. Syed Abid Rashid, to inspect the ward and take immediate action to improve conditions. "The current state of affairs is a danger to those in need of urgent care. For the sake of countless patients like Rafiya, a change is desperately needed," patients added.

The Medical Superintendent was unavailable for comment. However, an official who answered the phone acknowledged the issues and assured that the authorities are committed to providing the best facilities to patients.

"It's true that this ward gets overcrowded because emergency patients from all over central and sometimes even north Kashmir come here for immediate treatment. This problem will persist until the new building is completed. However, our senior doctors are always available when needed. It's incorrect to say only juniors are present. We prepare rosters for the doctors and prioritize hygiene. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring the best medical facilities for the patients," the official stated.

However, the official was quick to add that attendants who stay with their patients in the ward are creating crowding and hampering doctors from providing treatment. "At times, we see 5 to 10 people attending to a single patient. How can doctors and medical staff cater to the rush and provide the best treatment under these conditions? People should avoid unnecessary crowding in the ward," the official added.(KNS)

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