Recent Terror Incidents Aimed at Sustaining Operations Across Border: DGP R R Swain

 Srinagar, June 15 (KNS): Director General of Police R R Swain on Saturday described the recent terror attack in Jammu as desperate attempts by handlers across the border to maintain their operations following setbacks in the Kashmir Valley's terror infrastructure.

Talking to reporters during his visit to Kuthua, Swain said that these incidents are orchestrated by those who depend on terrorism for their survival. They are determined to keep tensions high despite the declining support for terrorism in Kashmir," Swain said.

He commended the efforts of security personnel involved in the ongoing operations, "We are committed to neutralize all threats to ensure the safety of our people."

On challenges posed by drones used for smuggling weapons and narcotics from Pakistan, Swain said they will strengthen manpower, equip them with advanced technology including night vision devices, and provide rigorous training.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Regarding public cooperation, the Police Chief said that it's crucial for people to share accurate information with them. He urged the public to maintain a steady flow of information regarding any suspicious activities, assuring that every tip, no matter how small, would be acted upon.

"This is a war thrust upon us. We will employ strategic tactics to eliminate terrorists while minimizing risks to our forces and civilians", he added.(KNS)

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