Severe Water Crisis Hits Baghdaji Nowgam, Residents Demand Immediate Restoration

Raja Akbar

Handwara, Feb 09 (KNS): Residents of Baghdaji Nowgam in Mawer, Handwara, are facing a severe drinking water crisis, causing immense hardships for the community.

The situation has worsened to the point where, on Wednesday, people struggled to find water even for performing funeral rites. Attendees of a funeral were unable to carry out ablution (wudu) due to the lack of water, underscoring the gravity of the crisis.

Locals have expressed deep frustration with the authorities for failing to restore the water supply despite repeated requests. In an attempt to meet basic needs, some residents have resorted to transporting water using tractors to mosques and other essential places.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Residents warn that if an employee is not immediately deployed to the area, all the pipelines leading from Baghdaji Nowgam to the rest of the region will become useless.

Baghdaji Nowgam serves as a crucial water source for nearly half of the Handwara sub-division. However, for the past month, the area itself has been grappling with a severe shortage of drinking water, forcing people to rely on alternative and often inadequate sources for daily use.

The residents have urged the administration to take immediate action to restore the water supply and have warned of intensified protests if their demands are not addressed promptly.(KNS) 

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