GCC expresses concern about solid waste disposal

Srinagar, June 30 (KNS): The Group of Concerned Citizens, Jammu and Kashmir (GCC) a non-political coalition of civil society expressed grave concern about the lack of adequate attention to solid waste disposal by the municipal authorities in the cities and towns and by panchayats in the rural areas.

GCC comprises of retired civil servants and professionals from different fields which met at Srinagar to discuss important public issues and problems being faced by the public in Jammu and Kashmir.

The statement issued to KNS reads,:The group deliberated on solid waste disposal and expressed grave concern about the lack of adequate attention to this by the municipal authorities in the cities and towns and by panchayats in the rural areas. The group felt that there was no clear cut policy about segregation of solid waste into bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste and subsequant disposal of each type. It was noticed that utilisation of biodegradable waste at the house hold level had not received requisite attention with the result that only a small percentage of house holds are aware and sensitised about utilisation of biodegradable waste at the house hold level. The group lamented lack of regulation in the use of plastics and non-implementation of the existing ban orders on single-use plastic in the UT. The group felt that with the ongoing Amarnath Yatra and massive rush of tourists the problem of solid waste pollution in the UT is likely to become more alarming and serious, particularly in Kashmir valley."

The GCC further decided to seek the cooperation of the imams of mosques and heads of other religious institutions to educate the general public about the importance of sanitation and cleanliness in their neighbourhoods. Cleanliness of self and surroundings is also prescribed in the religious scriptures and therefore the Imams will be requested to consider making this an integral part of their address on Fridays and other important occasions, it added.

The GCC welcomed the recent statement from the government authorities regarding promotion of sustainable tourism but expressed apprehension about the implementation on ground, it also said.

The group discussed construction of new roads in the hills and mountainous areas particularly around Pahalgam and Sonmarg and cautioned that such road construction deep into mountains should have been taken up only after preparation of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) reports by environmental experts and these reports then given due consideration.

The GCC called for reconsideration of the building permission powers vested in BDOs and other officials and vesting of the same in senior level officials or committees for areas around the Tourism Development Authorities proposed or notified for inclusion in the respective Master Plans.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelVesting of such powers in senior level officials or committees will ensure due diligence and caution as is required in such cases, it added.

"Few members in the group invited attention of GCC to the dangers of environmental degradation in the entire Himalayan belt from Ladakh to Sikkim and quoted from reports which have forecast dangerous environmental consequences for the country and particularly the Himalayan states including Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore the group felt that it was necessary to flag the environmental situation in J&K for urgent attention of the UT Government," statement also reads.

Among other issues the GCC discussed the traffic problems in the UT and particularly in Srinagar city and called for urgent attention and a trial run of the odd even policy for private light motor vehicles in Srinagar city.
The group offered to give specific suggestions in this regard to the traffic department through a separate communication.

As regards the recent notice from the Housing and Urban Development Department regarding Transferable Development Rights (TDR) draft bill, the GCC was informed by the Secretary GCC that he had already requested the Commissioner Secretary H&UDD on behalf of the GCC through email for extension in the last date upto 31st July for submission of comments from general public.

The GCC also decided to request the Commissioner Secretary for initiating a broad based consultation process with the Municipal Councils and Corporations in the UT and other stake holders including Deputy Commisssioners to seek views on TDR from a cross section of society and stake holders.

The GCC further re-emphasized the need for prohibition of conversion of agriculture land for non-agricultural purposes in the whole UT and particularly in Kashmir division as the family holdings were very small and agriculture land already shrunk and limited. The GCC once again discussed the serious fall out of conversion of agriculture land for non- agriculture purposes as it will lead to further reduction in agriculture production and decline in food grains self reliance.

The GCC expressed its happiness about the declaration of Srinagar as the World Craft City from the World Craft Council and complimented the artisans, craftsmen and craftswomen for this great achievement. It also enjoined on the concerned authorities and the craft associations to ensure quality control and implementation of GIS status accorded to certain craft items from Kashmir.

The GCC decided to discuss the feedback from the public regarding Srinagar smart city project in another meeting as there were many issues which were yet to be sorted out and which require serious reconsideration. (KNS). 

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